5. Starting & Stopping edX


The edX platform will run under a virtual machine environment.

The platform runs under the Ubuntu operating system.

Once the platform has been installed, you can start it using VirtualBox.

Starting edX

  1. Load the VirtualBox program by clicking it on the Start Menu or double clicking its program icon.
  2. Click the Aspen entry on the lefthand side, and then click the Start button on the toolbar.

  1. The virtual machine will start in a command window. Commands will execute there.

  1. A login screen will display while edX loads, in 30 secs or so. You do not need to login.

  1. Load the Learning Management System by entering into a browser in Windows.

  1. Load the edX Content Management System (CMS) by entering into a browser:

  1. Login using a pre-built user account: ID: staff@example.com Password: edx

  1. You are now logged into edX and your Dashboard of registered courses is displayed.

Stopping edX

  1. To log out of edX, CLICK the Staff or Student button at the top right of the Dashboard, and select Log Out.

  1. To close the virtual machine, click the standard Close Window X icon at the top right of the window in which Ubuntu is running.

  1. Select the Power Off the machine, option and press CLICK the OK button. The window will close and the virtual machine will be unloaded.